I interned as a software engineer intern. My team provides research, risk, and fundamental analysis tools to investment teams for idea generation and analytics.

Portfolio Managers and analysts have a list of metrics to monitor for the securities they cover. However, the existing approaches are inefficient in terms of cost and time. Investment teams reply on ad-hoc analyses and build their own tools and data are scattered everywhere. There is a lack of a standard process.

We built a tool to improve effectiveness and accuracy by automating and enhancing the heavily manual process. This tool gathers and consolidates multiple critical datasets and selects data according to recommendations from the research team. It detects changes in stock-level metrics and notifies the investment teams to help them identify opportunities for further research. It also allows users to customize their notification preferences.

I went beyond simply finishing the tasks and completed them with a good design. I also took ownership to support and maintain the application. Being the only engineer working on the application, I was able to resolve issues independently without much guidance and add features per users’ requests.

My project is a high-initiative for Q2 and Q3. The service was at an early stage when I joined so I have had an important role in building and supporting this product. In the end, I was able to hand over and transfer the knowledge to the new developer on the team.