I interned at Airbnb Plus as a full-stack engineer. I participated in the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) process, responsible for creating endpoints to get inspectors availabilities for inspections. I have two projects built into Plus.Tools, an internal website hosting operation tools.

Projects Highlight

Technology Used




Listing Widget

a widget displaying listing details

“Listing Widget” was built to provide an at-a-glance view of Listing Hub, a central place aggregating listing information in the plus funnel so that users can get all the context on a listing that they need while making evaluation decisions.


When users are using evaluation tools for an application, they want to see information tied to the specific listing. Before this project, there was a “Listing Details” tab under some tools with key data for a listing and inspection. All of the information previously found in that tab can now be found in the Listing Widget


The goal of this project is to replace it with an overlay displaying information from Listing Hub. Users’ workflow will not be interrupted when they want to see listing details from other pages.



This project is to add a listing widget to the top bar in pages, which shows and hides listing details by users’ toggling. When the widget is clicked, an overlay with listing and application information from Listing Hub should be shown. When it is clicked again, the overlay will be hidden and current progress is kept.


Not all information in the “Listing Details” tab is captured in Listing Hub. I updated the endpoint of getting listing data to include the date and inspector information for the latest appointment.

Appointments Scheduling Tool

a page supporting appointment scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling

Airbnb Plus is a higher tile of listings. In order to upgrade their houses to plus listings, hosts need to schedule appointments for amenities inspection/photo shooting, either doing by themselves or calling the operation team. Appointment Scheduling Tool is for the ops team to view and manage appointments.

This project is to build an “Appointments” tab within Listing Hub in Plus.Tools to display the latest appointment information, and to support appointment scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling by Plus Operation team.


“HCO Applications Tool” is an old tool which has functionalities of scheduling, rescheduling and canceling.

For each application, there is a scheduling page displaying appointment details. The user can fill in the time, address, phone number, and select an inspector, and schedule or cancel an inspection. It displayed all inspectors within that region without querying their availabilities.


The goal of this project is to extend Listing Hub from a read-only dashboard to hosting multiple actionable tools. It will help Plus Operation team view, schedule, reschedule and cancel an appointment within Listing Hub.

“Appointments Scheduling Tool” is intended to replace the “HCO Applications Tool” in monorail and improve the workflow. It queries inspectors’ availabilities before displaying inspector options. All inspectors users see are available, and the users can specify an inspector when scheduling an appointment.


This project includes both creating and reusing existing endpoints to fetch and post data from Listing Hub. The project also includes creating the “Appointments” tab to display details of the latest appointment, and to support different functionalities based on the appointment status.


“Home Visit Information” card on the left is to display information about the listing and the latest appointment. “Schedule Home Visit” on the right is to schedule an appointment.


“Appointments” tab uses four endpoints (1) to view appointment information, (2) to fetch a list of inspectors available given the listing and time slot, (3) to schedule/reschedule an appointment, and (4) to cancel an existing appointment. While I could reuse the existing schedule and cancel endpoints, I was responsible for writing the other two endpoints.

I created an endpoint in an inspection-related service to query inspectors’ availabilities. It will first fetch a list of inspectors given a city id or a market, filter out inspectors by distance, and return a list of time slots.

In a presentation service, I created an endpoint to use the endpoint above to query inspectors’ availabilities and to filter the time slots through the host’s calendar. We don’t want to schedule a home visit when there is a reservation on that day. This endpoint can be used externally at www.airbnb.com.

I created another endpoint in another presentation service to get listing and appointment information required for displaying and for scheduling.